Interventional Neurovascular Research Group (INRG)
Research group leader

- Name / Titel
- Prof. Dr. med. Jan Gralla
- Phone
- +41 31 632 26 54
- PD P. Mordasini MSc
- PD M. El-Koussy MD
- C. Rummel PhD
- R. McKinley PhD
Research focuses
- Pre-clinical experimental evaluation of novel treatment approaches and the development of devices for endovascular treatment of neurovascular diseases
- Improvement and development of pre-interventional neuroimaging and image-guided treatment
- Neurointerventional Techniques
- Advanced CT and MR Imaging
- Angiography
- Near infrared Spectroscopy
- Computer-assisted modelling
Short description
The INRG has developed an in-vivo animal model for the pre-clinical evaluation and development of mechanical thrombectomy devices for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Further research involves the development of in-vitro aneurysm models, in collaboration with the ARTORG Center, for measurements of different aspects of flow dynamics and their role in aneurysm formation and growth, as well as for hands-on training for endovascular aneurysm treatment. Neuroimaging and accurate post-processing are further prerequisites for appropriate decision making ahead of endovascular therapy. The most important prognostic factors associated with prolonged survival of hypoxic neurons are excellent collateral flow, small infarct cores and successful recanalization. In cooperation with the SCAN workgroup research on automated prediction of tissue evolution in acute ischemic stroke is performed, based on a large dataset of vascular disorders. Beyond clinical studies, the research encompasses advanced computer simulation analysis of flow in the cerebral vascular tree to better understand the vascular flow dynamics and relate them to clinical indications, e.g. wall shear stresses in aneurysms.